Thursday, January 19, 2012

Essay I wrote for my English final exam

The topic for the essay was an event in our life that has significantly changed who we are. Knowing me, I was beyond excited for this to be the topic. I could write a lot with it. It's not much but I was very proud of myself.

 An event in my life that has significantly changed who I am is when I went to Africa. On November 18th, 2011 I flew to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with a close friend. Up until this point in my life I had never done anything or went anywhere that took me out of my comfort zone. This trip ended up changing me completely. I went from never traveling to flying 7,000 miles from home. Found out I love flying. I had never stayed away from family for two weeks straight. Found out it's nice to take a break. But most of all, I went from being a girl who had a huge heart but had no idea what to do with it to having found where my heart belongs. 

The children in Africa aren't just the sad little faces you see starving and crying on your television set. They are beautiful, bright eyed and big smiled children. Each one of them have their own personality like you and I. They are human like us all. They love to play and have your attention. If you aren't smiling around them then you aren't doing something right. Jaime and I flew to Asosa, Ethiopia for two special kids.

These two kids, Pearl and Bereket, were already a huge part of Jaime's life from past trips. I had heard so much about them. Her big eyes and his captivating smile. I hasn't met them yet so they were just kids in a story to me. That day we flew out to see them was pretty exciting for us both. Her getting to see the kids who never leave her heart and me getting to meet them. We walked to the orphanage and as we knocked on the gate you could peer through a little crack and see nothing but red sand and a few kids frozen with puzzled looks on their faces. But the Gate Opener, Pearl, was running. As soon as she opened it I knew exactly who she was. The big beautiful eyes gave it away. Then along came the handsome Bereket. Yet again, I knew exactly who he was. After spending three days with the five kids (others have to go unnamed due to Ethiopian law) I realized why I jumped off my comfort wagon and boarded Ethiopian Airline. 

Leaving this place was the worst goodbye I had ever faced. Even worse than waving goodbye to my dad as he headed two states away. I had formed a bond with Addis Ababa. A bond you wouldn't understand until you experienced it yourself. From the second you arrive to the second you leave, you are welcomed like it is your home. I often forgot I was in Africa. 

As you can tell, this trip meant a lot to me.  It changed who I was. I no longer complain "I'm hungry" or "My room is too small." When I lay down at night I don't think "Well tomorrow is school." I think "I miss them. I wonder if they are okay. If they are still there." I look forward to the day I get to see my little brother and sister again. They changed me into a more mature and understanding person. I have seen things most people would avoid. I long for this beautiful place.

I may have went a little overboard for just a school essay but my heart and soul is in that. I liked it and decided I would share. And I would love feedback :)