Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Senior year

I'm not much of a writer but I'm gonna wing this and see what my little brain can come up with. It's almost a month into my senior year and already feels like a year. College. My least favorite thing to even think about. Where to go? What to take? When to start? Too much for me. Africa. Who? Why? When? How long? Those are questions i get daily and can answer ( after telling a long story) fairly easily. Is it November yet? I've never been one to rush on the cold weather but this year I am. Africa. I can paint the picture in my head. Airport. Plane. Bestfriend/mom beside me goin crazy. lol the smell, or what I assume it smells like. The feeling I get as I right this. Increased heart beat and butterflies. Not nervous butterflies but excited butterflies. This is all new to me. Passport? Never woulda imagined I'd need one. Especially not at 17. My brain is on over drive. School, college junk and moving on after school. Only time I get to stop. Take a deep breath. Think. Africa. That's the only thing I'm even sure of right now. Yeah I go to school but the days a blur by 4. Yeah I need to figure out college but I'd rather not. But Africa, nothing about it shouts out and mathematical equations or long passages about tires and oils. Boring I know. I guess it's just a relaxing subject for me. Africa. Puts a smile on my face and yet an ache in my heart. Haven't even been there and I'm already in love. I guess I have Jaime to thank for that. :)

If this bored you I'm very sorry. I tried. That's all I can do